He he he huh, yeah
Mothers Day Song by Ziffler
Some have perhaps heard this one before, as it is several years old. But I can't resist re-posting it on this Mother's Day as it is one of the more entertaining songs in my collection. At least to me and my family. Or at least to me.
Several years ago, my brother and I decided to write a song for our mother for Mother's Day. At the time we had been trying to use an early version of a voice-over-internet phone call. It wasn't a great solution to the long-distance call at that point, but we could easily record a conversation. So the day before Mother's Day, we called up Mom and secretly recorded the conversation. We of course tried to prompt her to say certain things like "Mother's Day". But we also got some great things we weren't expecting like "Sunday. Son-day!", the choke, and the comment on the echo, which had sometimes been an issue with that type of internet phone call.
As for the music, we pretty much came up with it by the seat of our pants. If I remember correctly, I handled the bass and guitar parts while my brother took care of the keys and drums. Then we chopped up our mother's words, bounced them around, changed pitch at one point, and added some echo where appropriate. All in a day. Then on Sunday we e-mailed the song to her and she claimed that she liked it. But mothers are supposed to say things like that, which is why we have a day to celebrate them.
So thanks Mom, for everything you've done for us, and have a wonderful Mother's Day!